Friday, March 30, 2018

Saluting the hat -- not just for Easter but any time to spiff things up

Cookie's favorite royal, the late Queen Mum, sported a jaunty hat when she joined journalists and travel writers
for her daughter's 1977 Silver Jubilee as Queen Elizabeth II.  The beloved monarch's hats became famous during
World War II, when she wore them to visit bombed villages and cheer the people on during hard times.

From left, sisters Christene (Cookie) Meyers, Misha Minesinger and
 Olivia Cosgriffe are hats off at niece Kira Cosgriffe's wedding to Mike Hill
last summer.  Most of the wedding party celebrated the occasion with hats.



That's a younger Cookie, left, her niece Amarylla Hayes (now Ganner
and a mother of two youngsters herself) and the late Peny Hayes,
Cookie's sister and Amarylla's mother, on the beach in Maui.

SO WHAT IS IT about wearing a hat that makes everything seem fresher, brighter, hopeful?

A sense of play, suggestion of fun, a feeling that the occasion is going to be above the usual outing.

 Cookie's late mother, Ellen, was never without
a hat, here as she pets Nora.
Hats make us happy.  They make us take notice -- and be noticed.  I've loved hats since I was a kid.  My mum had a trunkful of hats. My grandmother wore hats and gloves to travel, and I wore many hats during my years in the theater -- literally (25 hats on my piano, which I changed during many productions).
Audrey Hepburn made this stylish
hat famous in "Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Hats off to the Ascot scene in "My Fair Lady." 
FROM THE ASCOT scene in "My Fair Lady" to the delightful adornment of the Mad Hatter in "Alice in Wonderland," or Indiana Jones' jaunty fedora, we remember a scene with a behatted character.
Remember Sherlock Holmes' dapper deerhunter? Charlie Chaplin's derby in "The Little Tramp." Wayne Campbell's Trucker cap.  Holly Golightly's swooping chapeau in "Breakfast at Tiffany's."
Gene Hackman's pork pie
hat made his Popeye
Doyle memorable. 
Cookie's been behatted since childhood.
Or Katharine Hepburn's sun bonnet as she toils at the church organ in "The African Queen." Gene Hackman's signature pork pie hat as Popeye Doyle. 
When I met the late Queen Mum in 1977, she wore one of the hats for which she was beloved.
SOME QUOTES for the behatted:
   "It isn't what I do, but how I do it. It isn't what I say, but how I say it, and how I look when I do it and say it. Sometimes with a hat and not much else." -- Mae West
Keller is not about to be
outdone by the girls.
Ready for his close-up.
"Women who love hats aren't jealous. They like a good hat on another. Women who wear hats know who they are.''  --Anonymous.
"Life is like a new hat. You don't know if it suits you if you keep trying it on in front of your own mirror." -- Shirley McLaine.
"Wearing hats has become like fine art for me."  --Tina Brown 
"I have 12 hats. Each represents a different personality. Why just be yourself?"-- Margaret Atwood
“I wear my hat as I please, indoors or out.” -- Walt Whitman, "Leaves of Grass.
 "Luxurious, flirty, maybe a bit sexy. We believe a great hat can change your day." -- a sign in New York's Plaza Hotel.


BEST BETS: Phil Johnson stars in a brilliant one-man performance, "A Jewish Joke" at San Diego's Moxie Theatre. This Roustabouts production is on stage through April 8, a tour de force for Johnson, whose writer character is on the rise in Hollywood until Senator Joe McCarthy's red-baiting tactics force him to make a crucial decision about his partner and his future. Johnson and Marni Freedman co-wrote the moving often funny work, artfully directed by David Ellenstein. Stunning, poignant theater, not to miss.

A spirited ensemble involves the audience and creates an enthusiasm
that weaves a spell on the audience at "Beachtown" in downtown San Diego.

UP NEXT: "Beachtown," in downtown San Diego, is a delightful throw-back to the innocent days of political fund-raisers, neighborhood potlucks and community gatherings.  Always original director Sam Woodhouse works his charms with a talented stable of San Diego Repertory Theatre actors to bring this unique Herbert Siguenza and Rachel Grossman work to the Lyceum stage. Remember to explore, learn and live and catch a new post each Friday for the weekend.  


  1. What a fun peace for Passover and Easter.....a tip of the hat to you, Cookie, wherever you are this weekend!

  2. We love the column, so original and jaunty like Cookie must be.

  3. Madison Movie BuffsApril 5, 2018 at 9:53 PM

    Another good read..... look forward to the diner piece.

  4. Because I am ancient, I remember little Cookie and Peny in those lavender Easter outfits. Your grandma Olive always took you down to Billings in the train to pick out Easter apparel at Hart-Albin.♥️
